Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Review of Shaun of the Dead

     Shaun of the Dead is a British zombie comedy that follows two layabouts. Shaun (Simon Pegg)  and Ed (Nick Frost), who's life mostly consist of drinking, video games, and more drinking. When a zombie apocalypse breaks out they view it as more of an interference with their drinking time than a deadly threat that could possible wipe-out the entire human population. When it becomes apparent that the zombies might actually pose a threat, the two friends lead a group of survivors, mostly consisting of their friends and close relatives to the Winchester (Shaun and Ed's favorite pub) to wait out the zombie apocalypse. 

     The irony in this is that Shaun's girlfriend, Liz (Kate Ashfield)  had just previously asked him to get his priorities in orders, and to choose between her or the pub. She lives with her friends, Di and David, who think that in a showdown, Shaun would choose the pub. So you can imagine the fuss it creates when Shaun suggests that The Winchester be their hid-away.


     I really like this movie because of the the wonderful and colorful characters it brings to the screen as well as their dynamic, and the way they interact. Written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright and directed by Wright. Between these two they create the thing I love most about this movie. Which is, that instead of mainly focusing on the undead, and trying to raise a few laughs here and there, it treats the living characters as sitcom regulars, whose conflicts and arguments keep getting interrupted by the flesh-eating zombies. 

     This is great movie, and I highly recommend it.

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