Thursday, May 26, 2016

Review of Iron Man

Iron Man has to be one of my all time favorite superheroes, so you can imagine my excitement when I heard of a movie that would bring Iron Man to life. Who else better to play the wise-cracking, Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist Tony Stark, than Robert Downey Jr. Downey's performance is intriguing, and unexpected. he doesn't behave like most superheroes: He lacks the psychic weight and gravitas. Tony Stark it seems like was created from the many personas Downey has fashioned through his many movies: irreverent, quirky, self-deprecating, wise-cracking. Some superheroes speak in a kind of heightened, semi-formal prose. Not Tony Stark. He could talk that way and be Juno's uncle. "Iron Man" doesn't seem to get how serious other superheroes take themselves. If there is wit in the dialog, the superhero is often unaware of it. If there is broad humor, it usually comes from the villain. What happens in "Iron Man", however, is that sometimes we wonder how seriously even Stark takes it. He is flippant in the face of disaster, casual on the brink of ruined.

Iron Man has to be one of my altime favorite superhero movies. What I like even more than the mind-bending action sequences, and trust me I love those too. Is the characters that it brings along with it. Tony Stark manages to somehow relay sarcasm and humor through a huge suit of armor. It seems with most superhero movies all you get is the surface of illusion. With "Iron Man" it gives you a glimps into the depths of Stark's life. Take Pepper Pots (Gwyenth Paltrow) Stark's loyal aid, and Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges) Stark's business partner. When you see them interact, you feel like they have been working together for quite a while, not just charters drummed up for the occasion.  Much of that feeling is created by the chemistry involving Downey, Paltrow and Bridges. They have relationships that seem fully-formed and resilient enough to last through the whole movie, even if the plot mechanics were not about to take them to another level.

This a great movie, and I would recommend it to any superhero fan that has not already seen this movie

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