Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Review of My neighbor Totoro

      Diving into Studio Gibley, Hayao Miyazaki creates a world we should live in rather than one we occupy. A film with no villains. No fight scenes. No evil adults. No fighting between two kids. No scary monsters. No darkness before the dawn. A world that is benign.  A world where if  you meet a strange towering creature in the forest you curl up on it's tummy and have a nap.        
The movie tells the story of two young sisters Satsuki and Mei Kusakabe.  As the story open their father is driving them to the new house, near avast forest. Their mother, who is sick, has been moved to the hospital in their district.  When they move in, something peculiar happens.  when they let light into the glue, they get just a glimpse of little black fuzzy dots scaring to safety. "Probably just dust bunnies", says their father but there is an old nanny who has been hired to look after them, and she confides that they are "soot sprights" , which like abandoned houses and will pack up and leave once they hear the sound of laughter.  A few days pass by. Mei is playing in the yard, when she spots a small creature, no bigger than a kitten. After fallowing the creature for a bit,  it becomes aware of her presents and try's to give her the slip. After tracking it down again, Mei fallows it through a tunnel in the bushes then down a hole in a great big tree. When she gets to the bottom, she finds the great spirt Totoro, sleeping peacefully in its bed.  

This is an absolutely fanominal movie, from the beautiful watercolor backgrounds to fascinating story line, this is a masterpiece.  But it would not have one it's worldwide audience just because of it's warm heart. It is also rich with him and comedy in the way it observes the two remarkable convincing, life like little girls ( I speak of their personalities, not there appearance).  It Is awe- inspiring in the scenes involving Totoro, and chanting in the scenes with the cat bus. It is also a little sad, a little scary, a little surprising in just a little informative, just like life itself. If you haven't watched this movie already, I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. This is a great movie. I really like the word, "fanominal" -- I'm going to steal it.
