Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Review of Inglorious Bastards

     I know I have been on kind of a Tarantino binge but i figured that this movie was to good to postpone. The story starts in Nazi-occupied France early in the war, when the cruel, droll, Nazi Col. Hans Landa arrives on a dairy where he believes that the farmer (Denis Menochet) is hiding Jews. He is right, and after a long drawn out, suspenseful conversation, all hell breaks lose. A young woman named Shosanna (Melina Laurent) manages to escape the chaos and flee with her life. It is for this scene, and his performance throughout the movie, that shows why Christopher Waltz deserved all the praise he received from his character. He brings to life a character unlike any Nazi I have seen portrayed in a film: evil, sardonic, ironic, brilliant, and absolutely absurd.  Here is the link if you would like to watch the opening scene yourself  The Jew Hunter

     The hero of this story is Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) a hard-talking Southern boy who is the leader of the "Bastards" and wants each of them to bring back 100 Nazi scalps.                                           
The  "Bastards" themselves are a rag-tag group of Nazi killing machines dropped behind the enemy line. For years Aldo and his group have improbably survives in France, massacring and striking fear in the hearts of Nazis everywhere. Yet still manage to turn up in formal dinner ware in a moments notice. And who can forget Pitt's version of an Italian accent, which sounds about as authentic as Taco Bell's "Mexican food" tastes.

     I really like this movie, from the way it was shot, to the way QT brings the characters to life, making them so enjoyable to watch interact. Of cores tho its Tarantino, so you know there will be no shortage of violence, profanity, and absolute brutality.  I also really like this movie because QT provides WWII with a much-needed alternative ending. For once those Nazi bastards get what was coming to them. 


1 comment:

  1. I have such mixed feelings about this film. Most of them positive though.
