Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Review of Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life

     Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving life fallows Cooper Barrett (Jack Cutmore-Sott) fresh out of collage and ready to start his life. If you don't already know the show, watch this trailer before I continue t So now that you have a general understanding of the show, lets continue. Accompanying Cooper on his crazy antics is his best friend Niel Fissley (Charlie Saxton) a computer geek, searching for love; Berry Sandel (James Earl) a very flamboyant, lovable jackass, who doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word "don't do that"; Kelly Bishop (Meagan Rath)  Cooper's neighbor and semi-love interest, who has a fiery temper and a thing for older men; and Josh Barrett, Cooper's older more successful, lawyer brother, who is always there to bail them out of trouble when times get tough. 

What I like about this show is that brings action as well as comedy into-play, but without going crazy over the top, like jumping from building to building. And instead, more focuses on how real life people would react to dangerous and crazy situations, like running away screaming or something like that. Some problems with this show is how it is so fast paced and seems to need to drop a joke every 30 seconds and doesn't give you much time to breath. As well as the fact that a lot of the actors just seem to be spouting off dialogue like they are reading it off a scrip, instead of making it seem like they are coming up with it themselves. All in all I like this show,  its quirky, edgy, and brings a newish approach your typical TV show. I don't 100% recommend it tho because it just might not be your type of TV show.

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