Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Review of American Hero

     American Hero follows Melvin, (Stephan Dorff) a man with the ability to move objects with his mind, on a journey to try and redeem himself after spending pretty much the entirety of his life partying, doing drugs, having sex and making poor decisions. After suffering a major heart attack he decides to get his life back on track to fight for the right to see his son and start to use his powers to do good and help people instead of harming them. Helping Melvin is his life long friend Lucille,(Eddie Griffin) a veteran who was hit in the lower spine by a sniper's round in the Iraqi war causing him to lose his ability to walk. As the story progresses you start to see the good Melvin, the side of him that wants to make a difference, the side of him that just wants to be a good father and not just the druggie, alcoholic f*ck up that everyone else sees in him.  This is a very heartwarming movie, as much as it is a superhero movie. It goes to show that you can turn your life around and make a difference even if no one else thinks you can.

     I really like this movie because of the unique humor it brings to the typical superhero/action/ comedy movie.  Another really cool thing about this movie, is that it is shot as if  they are making a live documentary of his life, with cameras and crew fallowing him throughout the movie.  This movie definitely has some problems though; for one, there really isn't any flow, and it's more like segments mishmash together to create one movie. As well as the fact that Melvin's telekinetic ability is downplayed to more of a party trick then a superpower,  which I think is BS. This isn't the best movie and won't be winning any awards but I personally like the characters and the message behind it.

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