Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Review of Kill Bill Vol.1

     Tarantino's blood filled, splatter-fest, Kill Bill follows the Bride (Uma Thurman) on her quest for vengeance after being left for dead on her wedding day by her former assassin squad, The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. The very first scene of this movie opens with Bill killing all of the other members of her bridal party, except the Bride. Seeing the true devastation in the Bride's emotion sets up a perfect motive for revenge in true Tarantino fashion. As the movie progresses you can see the pure skill and fury of the bride, as she slays her former teammates one by one, at one point taking on the Crazy 88s, a band of high trained mercenaries hired by O-Ren Ishii (Lucy Liu) one of the brides former squad members.       
  Tarantino is truly on his A-game with Kill Bill. With brilliant fight choreography, amazing cinematography, and captivating characters it is a work of art and a brilliant piece to watch unfold.

     I love this movie. Not just because of the blood and violence (although that is always a plus), I love this movie because of everything else in it: from the way it was shot, down the to the costumes donned by the characters. Tarantino goes into depth to give a backstory to each character, making each fight scene even more riveting. All together this is just one hell of a movie and I 100% recommend watching it if your in the mood for a gritty action revenge thriller, with just a dash of comedy thrown into the mix.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Review of American Hero

     American Hero follows Melvin, (Stephan Dorff) a man with the ability to move objects with his mind, on a journey to try and redeem himself after spending pretty much the entirety of his life partying, doing drugs, having sex and making poor decisions. After suffering a major heart attack he decides to get his life back on track to fight for the right to see his son and start to use his powers to do good and help people instead of harming them. Helping Melvin is his life long friend Lucille,(Eddie Griffin) a veteran who was hit in the lower spine by a sniper's round in the Iraqi war causing him to lose his ability to walk. As the story progresses you start to see the good Melvin, the side of him that wants to make a difference, the side of him that just wants to be a good father and not just the druggie, alcoholic f*ck up that everyone else sees in him.  This is a very heartwarming movie, as much as it is a superhero movie. It goes to show that you can turn your life around and make a difference even if no one else thinks you can.

     I really like this movie because of the unique humor it brings to the typical superhero/action/ comedy movie.  Another really cool thing about this movie, is that it is shot as if  they are making a live documentary of his life, with cameras and crew fallowing him throughout the movie.  This movie definitely has some problems though; for one, there really isn't any flow, and it's more like segments mishmash together to create one movie. As well as the fact that Melvin's telekinetic ability is downplayed to more of a party trick then a superpower,  which I think is BS. This isn't the best movie and won't be winning any awards but I personally like the characters and the message behind it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Review of Lucifer

     In the beginning... The Angle Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and condemned to rule Hell for all eternity, until he decided to take a vacation... The show fallows Lucifer (Tom Ellis) taking a permanent vacation to L.A. to help humanity with its miseries through his experiences and telepathic ability to bring peoples deepest desires and thoughts out of them. While meeting a girl at Lucifer's night club (The Lux) he gets involved in a shooting that subsequently ends in the death of the girl. Trying to seek out the man who killed her, leads Lucifer to becoming a LAPD consultant who tries to punish people for their crimes through law and justice. Along side Lucifer is LAPD officer Chole Decker, a former actress turned detective who wanted to be taken more seriously fallowing a topless scene in one of her previous movies; Mazikeen, Lucifer's loyal servant who is accompanying him on his vacation; and plenty more colorful characters that are introduced throughout the episodes but usually only stick around for an episode or two.

     I like this show because the plot actually fallows Lucifer, instede of having him as a side character or a villain, and it gives you a look into the Devil's life. Tom Ellis's portrail of the Devil brings a whole new light to the typical image of Satan. Full of witty one-liners, carefree antics, and plenty of sexual humor, Ellis portrays all of this, while not forgetting the unforgivable darkness that lies behind the nice exterior. This show has pretty much got it all, yet it still has its problems. Each episode is new in its own way, but it fallows the same pattern of events over and over and ends up being kind of predictable. As a whole, this show is pretty damn great in my opinion, and I definitely recommend it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Review of Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life

     Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving life fallows Cooper Barrett (Jack Cutmore-Sott) fresh out of collage and ready to start his life. If you don't already know the show, watch this trailer before I continue t So now that you have a general understanding of the show, lets continue. Accompanying Cooper on his crazy antics is his best friend Niel Fissley (Charlie Saxton) a computer geek, searching for love; Berry Sandel (James Earl) a very flamboyant, lovable jackass, who doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word "don't do that"; Kelly Bishop (Meagan Rath)  Cooper's neighbor and semi-love interest, who has a fiery temper and a thing for older men; and Josh Barrett, Cooper's older more successful, lawyer brother, who is always there to bail them out of trouble when times get tough. 

What I like about this show is that brings action as well as comedy into-play, but without going crazy over the top, like jumping from building to building. And instead, more focuses on how real life people would react to dangerous and crazy situations, like running away screaming or something like that. Some problems with this show is how it is so fast paced and seems to need to drop a joke every 30 seconds and doesn't give you much time to breath. As well as the fact that a lot of the actors just seem to be spouting off dialogue like they are reading it off a scrip, instead of making it seem like they are coming up with it themselves. All in all I like this show,  its quirky, edgy, and brings a newish approach your typical TV show. I don't 100% recommend it tho because it just might not be your type of TV show.