Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Star Wars

What can I say about these movies. They made my childhood, set the bar for any future films had watched or will watch and pretty much gave me the definition of what is known as amazing movie. The first time I ever watched star wars was at the age of 5 when my dad secretly rented the 4th episode and hid it from my mom. That night we took a little portable DVD player and watched it under the covers with head phones so not to wake my mom. This remains one of my fondest childhood memories so far.
The movies speak for them selves, with 44 awards just to the first episode, most notable an Oscar, Golden Globe and even a Grammy for its soundtrack. They are also known as one of the most iconic and best trilogies in history, along with a fan bases that is just mother fluffing huge!  All of this is well deserved with its amazing action sequences, amazing performances and ground breaking special effects for its time. Although even after all this these movies still have there faults. These faults come in the form of  episodes 1,2 and 3 which were George Lucas's fallow up prequels to the first 3 episodes. Even tho they were bad they still have their redeeming quality such as the fight in Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, between Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. .
When Anakin Skywalker's mother dies in his arms after being captured by Tusken Raiders in Episode 2: Attack of the clones. Then in Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, when Anakin fights his old master Obi-Wan on Mustafar when Anakin is on his final stages of becoming a Sith. 
This pretty much proves that even if a star wars movies is crap that doesn't mean there cant be a few pearls hear and there. All in all I absolutely love these movies and I 100% recommend them to anyone who has not seen them already.

1 comment:

  1. Good post, just pay attention to issues of grammar and spelling.
