Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Pixar theory

The credit of this theory goes to John Negroni, who has written the full theory.
What if I told you that all the Pixar movies are connected,  and that all the characters are in the same universe. This theory proves they do. Our story starts in old Scotland, with the movie Brave.

Brave is one of the only Pixar movies that explains the fact that animals are as intelligent as humans. In the movie, Merida (the main protagonist) discovers a magic power a witch has developed that turns humans into animals, in this case a bear. If the witch had the power to turn Merida's mother into a bear, it reasons, she would have previously experimented on other humans. During the centuries that followed Brave, the animals and objects that the witch experimented on had created a power struggle between animals, objects and humans. The struggle between humans and animals are represented in the movies Ratatouille,  Up and Finding Nemo, in that order. It starts with Ratatouille, which shows Remie (main protagonist) the rat, and his love for cooking, an activity exclusive to humans. It turns out that he is better then every human. This discovery does not remain a secret by the end of the movie, as rumors begin  to spread to others, particularly people exploring the globe, like Charles Muntz (main villain)

Hearing about a newfound intelligence in animals, he uses this to his advantage, by creating a collar that allows the animals to speak. At the end of the movie Charles Muntz dies and the dogs are free to roam the world, allowing the technology to spread.  At this point, we have seen the mistreatment of animals and them becoming smarter and smarter.  By this point, they have not done anything rebellious towards humans until Finding Nemo. This story follows a father's journey to save his son Nemo from the hands of the humans.

     We have mostly been focusing on the evolution of animals, but now we go to humans, which have evolved into supers as shown in the movie, The Incredibles. With every super hero, there is a super villain. The super villain's name is Syndrome.  He creates a machine called the Omnidroids, which are hyper intelligent superhero killing machines that can learn and adapt. By the end of the movie, we see the Omnidroids turn on Syndrome, defeating him in a matter of seconds. At the end of the movie the Omnidroids and Sybdrome are long gone, but the artificial intelligence (AI) still exists. Although it was originally developed to destroy humans, it didn't necessarily mean that all would behave this way, losing its drive to kill.
     Toy Story takes place about 40 to 45 years after The Incredibles.  Zero-point technology (theorized by syndrome in The Incredibles) is electromagnetic energy that exist in a vacuum. This energy which exist in wavelengths, explains why the toys can move. We first see the toys becoming fed up with their treatment by the humans in Toy Story, then we see them rebel against Sid 9main villain). In the second movie, Jesse (fem-fatal) resents her previous owner for abandoning her, then we see Lotso's (main villain) hatred of the humans for his abandonment in Toy Story 3. We never get to see a "planet of the apes" style uprising where the toys take over the humans, because toys actually need human attention to come to life. For that reason the AIs would also need human life to work, although the Machine still want control.

     Now enters BNL, the faceless company known as Buy n Large. It was created when the AI from the Incredibles went off to do it's own thing. This company is the basis for all the corporate examples in every Pixar movie. We first see this in Up when BNL tries to seize Ed's house. In almost any other movie you can find signs of the  company everywhere, from the makers of the batteries that powers Buzz Lightyear (secondary protagonist), to logos strewn throughout the movies. BNL takes over the world leaving one thing, Cars (pixar movie), which are intelligently human like, with incredibly advanced AI. Machines need humans to keep them functioning, explaining the energy crisis in Cars 2. However, since there are no humans left on earth, the cars slowly start to die. 

     Bringing us to Wall-E. In the movie humans are on a ship in space called the Axium (one of the ships supporting human life is space). We see that all along an evil AI has been controlling the ship with out the humans knowing. The end of the movie you see the humans return earth and plant a tree, which has a surprising likeness to the one in the movie, "A bugs life".  Flick (the main protagonist) is warned not to leave the island for fear of birds snakes and other bigger bugs, not humans. Which is another reason to believe that A bugs life is way in the future. Their would not be a lot of them, and so they would not be as much of a threat.

     Humans, machines and animals exist together until a newer species arrives know as monsters. Monsters Inc is a movie that takes place about 1400 years after Wall-e.  There are two theories on how these monsters came to be. The first which is that humans have evolved after living on a radioactive planet for 800+ years, or that humans have crossbred with animals to create some kind of super monster thing.  Everything needs humans to survive so it goes to reasons that the monsters would be as well, and they do. Harnessing the fear of humans as power.  You might think that humans would still be alive and thriving, because we see monsters and humans interacting. What if instead of the doors going into alternate places, they went back in time when humans were still the dominant species, harvesting greater amounts of fear. This also explains why the Mosters Inc corporation would be so paranoid with anything from the human world entering the monster world. It could cause a butterfly effect and alter the future. If you recall, Boo ( supporting child role) made it through to the monster world  and after not being able to see that world again, became her life's obsession to try and find it. So she went searching the globe for this world and on her quest she found, magic, and used this magic to travel back to old Scotland. Yes, Boo is the witch! You may say this is complete craziness, but there's actually proof to back this up. When you are in the witches hut, you can make out a wood burning of Sulley,( the main monster protagonist that boo falls in love with in Monsters Inc). as well as a pizza truck that she is carving (has an appearance in every Pixar movie).
 It would not make sense for her to know either of these things unless she had previously experienced or saw them.  As well as the fact that she uses the door to transform the contents of her hut. That is your proof! I will say that this is just a theory, coincident or not.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Review for Black Mass

Black Mass takes place in Boston in the 1970s. It is the true story of  Irish gangster James "Whitey" Bulger (Johnny Depp). It fallows Bulger's unholy alliance with the FBI to help bring down the Italian mob. As this alliance spirals out of control, Bulger increases his power and evades capture to become  the most dangerous gangster in U.S. history
                                            .Black Mass': Movie review - Entertainment                 
 I loved this movie, I am a big fan of the gritty crime genera, and this movie brought a lot of my favorite elements of other mob movies that I loved into one picture. With drama, action, gore, good story line, and with a great cast, you get a thrill ride of ups and downs. This movie brings you into the story, letting you experience the actual life of a gangster. Johnny Depp brings his character to life, capturing the likeness of the real guy, with his temper, ruthlessness and spurts of insanity. Johnny is not the only one to bring a great performance to the screen. Benedict Cumberbatch  plays William Bulger, The most powerful man in the Massachusetts senate, as well as Bulgers brother. Joel Edgerton also brings life into his role of FBI agent John Connolly, who strikes a deal with Bulger, but slowly starts to be dragged into his world and starts to lose sights of his morals as the movie progresses. 
If you are as much of fan of crime and mob movies as I am, I think and hope you will love this movie as much as I did. 


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Star Wars

What can I say about these movies. They made my childhood, set the bar for any future films had watched or will watch and pretty much gave me the definition of what is known as amazing movie. The first time I ever watched star wars was at the age of 5 when my dad secretly rented the 4th episode and hid it from my mom. That night we took a little portable DVD player and watched it under the covers with head phones so not to wake my mom. This remains one of my fondest childhood memories so far.
The movies speak for them selves, with 44 awards just to the first episode, most notable an Oscar, Golden Globe and even a Grammy for its soundtrack. They are also known as one of the most iconic and best trilogies in history, along with a fan bases that is just mother fluffing huge!  All of this is well deserved with its amazing action sequences, amazing performances and ground breaking special effects for its time. Although even after all this these movies still have there faults. These faults come in the form of  episodes 1,2 and 3 which were George Lucas's fallow up prequels to the first 3 episodes. Even tho they were bad they still have their redeeming quality such as the fight in Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, between Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. .
When Anakin Skywalker's mother dies in his arms after being captured by Tusken Raiders in Episode 2: Attack of the clones. Then in Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, when Anakin fights his old master Obi-Wan on Mustafar when Anakin is on his final stages of becoming a Sith. 
This pretty much proves that even if a star wars movies is crap that doesn't mean there cant be a few pearls hear and there. All in all I absolutely love these movies and I 100% recommend them to anyone who has not seen them already.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Review for the transformers series

When I say the Transforms series, I'm not referring to the beloved cartoon from the 1980s. No, I'm referring to the series of movies directed by the hyper active, explosion loving human known as Micheal Bay. These movies were dumb, they just were, the acting sucked, the screen play was OK, all we had was Shia lebeouf  screaming for petty much the entirety of the films, and he had such an amazing thing to work off of. Yet even then, these movies did so well, each raking in 6 figures per movies. Why you ask, well its simple, Micheal bay has excepted that these movies are dumb and just rolled with it, and it worked. What makes these movies so popular is the amount of over done action, impossible stunts, the amount of explosions, badassery giving from the transformers and a complete disregard for physics (but then again what movie does). I mean in the newest one, we get to see Optmis prime riding a giant transformer T-Rex!

its pretty dumb and we all know it but it is still awesome. In this sense Micheal Bay is  genius, in his own way i mean of course, but when you think about it, its kinda of true. He has figured out a way to make movies that everyone knows will probably be crap but yet no matter how many of these movies that he puts out, chances are there will be millions of people to eat it all up and give there money to see something that has already been done in the past movie or just another variation . All in all I cant say much about it tho because I myself have seen these movies and I personally kinda enjoyed them, so this just my opinion.