Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Movies have played a huge part in the few years that I have been on this earth, and although I have a huge respect for the silver screen, I have noticed that movies today have started to get worse and worse. It seems like most of them are just reboots, squeals and prequels of well known movies that the director just wants to squeeze more money out of the franchise. Plus it didn't really need a reboot or a squeal in the first place. I mean come on, I cant be the only who has noticed. Just look at some of the most recent movies to be released, Terminator Genisys, Fant4stick (yes, that's how they actually spelled it) and a much more, although it would take me like a day to write them all down. I wouldn't really mind it if the movies were actually any good but sadly a lot of them aren't. I cant say this about all movies lately tho, because among all of those fails, there are actually some good ones such as Mad Max: fury road, Avengers age of Ultron, Ant man, Inside out and so on. Sadly with all these good ones there are the awful ones that just seem to be a quick cash grabs with well known A or B list actors a crap ton special effects, over the top action sequences, and cheesy or over sexual jokes that the director thinks will make up for the complete lack of good screen play and bad acting. I'm not necessarily saying that the actors themselves are bad just the character and how they play it is bad.
Another thing that I have started becoming a them is book to movie adaptations. The actual concept of this is pretty cool, I personally do like to see my favorite books put up on the silver screen, but I think people need to realize that not every best seller needs to put in a god damn theater! Plus just Hollywood keeps cranking these out, so it is just damn annoying. Especially since every one seems to be exactly the same!  I mean yes there is some variation but its just like serving up the same crap coming from different people, although it might taste different and give off a new look, underneath its all pretty much the same thing.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Adding some visuals might be nice. As for what you were saying, there have always been bad movies. Actual good movies have always been the exception.
