Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Rick and Morty

     Directed by Dan Harmon, Rick and Morty is what you would expect an R rated 'Back to the Future' on steroids to be like. With a lot more of violence, huge amounts of profanity, alternate dimensions, other worlds, lots of crazy drugs, lots of alcohol, and alien porn. The show is about the misadventures of alcoholic scientist Rick and his easily influenced grandson Morty, who split their time between domestic family life and interdimensional travel. As the show progresses you see the bond between them grow, and then they're the times that it completely falls down the drain. Whatever it maybe you will love it. You get to see the insanity of Rick thought the show, as well as Morty's stupidity. Weather its when Rick and Morty destroy and mutate all of Earth, forcing them to find a new reality, when Morty impregnates a f***-bot who gives birth to a demon child, or even when Rick create an entire universe, just to power his car battery and then that universe creates another universe to power their own universe, which in turn creates their OWN universe to power their universe and so on. Trust me, you will enjoy every second of it. The show doesn't just focus on Rick and Morty, but their family as well. As you see Morty's parents failing marriage and when they go to the best marriage counselors in the universe and proceed to destroy the place. Also when their dog develops a red hot hatred for human and creates a race of hyper intelligent and all powerful dog people.

     I love this show, it is great to watch pretty much whenever. Because there is barely any story line you can watch episode after episode without getting bored. If you are into crazy drunk adventures through space and time you will love this show, as well as the weird and crazy concepts that will make you think about the actual concept of the Matrix, only way weirder. My closing statement for this blog is just WATCH THIS SHOW IN THE NAME OF GOD!

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