Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Review for The Hateful Eight

The most recent film directed by Tarantino, The Hateful Eight takes place in the post-Civil War era, and fallows a group of eight strangers blizzard bound in a small Wyoming cabin. Unlike most of Tarantino's films that open with blood and action right off the bat, he takes his sweet time building it up, relying more on suspense then just jumping straight into the action (oh but trust me, its a Tarantino film, so you know there will be buckets and buckets of blood).  He spends over a half-hour on a stagecoach ride that introduces bounty hunter John "The Hangman" Ruth (Kurt Russel); his coach driver O.B. (James Park); his prisoner, the ruthless outlaw Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh), who is being escorted to Red Rock to be hanged by the neck till death;  Red Rock's new sheriff Chris Mannix (Walton Goggins), a former outlaw that Ruth cant accept that he has become the new sheriff, and Maj. Marquis Warren (Samuel L. Jackson), an ex-slave turned anti-confederate war hero turned bounty hunter whose record of wartime atrocities makes Ruth distrust him and Mannix hate his guts.

Arriving at the cabin- a watering hole known as Minnie's Haberdashery- we are joined by a sprinkling of new characters. There is a smug British hangman, Oswald Morbray (Tim Roth, filling what might otherwise be the Christopher Waltz role), a furtive Mexican (Damien Bichir) who calls himself Bob, a smirking gun man by the name of Joe Gage (Michael Madsen, doing the whole Michael Madsen thing), and an old confederate general named Sanford Smithers (Bruce Dern). You can probably guess that his relationship with Samuel L. Jackson doesn't play out so well. The joint's owner, Minnie, is no where to be found and her husband is missing right along with her.
I really enjoyed this movie, party because it felt more like an experiment then a classic western. It was almost like Tarantino took bits a pieces from all different types of Westerns, put it in a pot, stirred them up a bit, then drizzled it all over this movie. Another thing to admire about this movie is that it was all short on Ultra Panavision 70mm, a format that has barley been used since the 1960s. All in all this movie is not without its faults but is not without its praise, and I definitely see this movie if you are in the mood for a gritty mystery with plenty of cussing and blood.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Futurama Blog part 2

     Hermes Conrad is a Jamaican Bureaucrat, who works for the Central Bureaucracy and Planet Express. He is a limbo loving family man, who is always looking forward to his manwich, but never seem to to acquire it                                                                       
    Finally we have Phillip. J. Fry, aka Fry. He is not what you consider to be one of the smartest people in the universe. Actually he completely lacks any common sense or intelligence what so ever. To give you an example on how stupid he really is, when aliens Brains rendered the entire human race into a bunch bumbling idiots, Fry was completely unaffected, due to the fact that his IQ was the lowest on the entire planet.
          cartoon stupid futurama shut up fry

     Some honorable characters mentions include: The Robot Mafia, led by Donbot, and escorted by his two henchmen, Clamps and Joey Mousepad. Not playing a huge role in the show, they only appear in a few episodes. Yet they remain some of my favorite characters in this show.
     Zapp Brannigan is the he pilot of the Nimbus ( The fag ship of Democratic Order of Planets) and is a 25 star general. Based off William Shatner and Capt Kirk, Matt Groening did everything in his power to make Zapp Brannigan as much of an egotistical asshole as possible .                                                                        
    The Robot Devil, really isn't that bad of a guy. He is the ruler of Robot Hell, and big fan of musicals, which are the entertainment equivalent of Hell. He is talented at playing the fiddle, so nationally he own a golden one. He lives in a amusement park in New Jersey, which was closed due to salmonella that the flum ride produced.

This show is absolutely amazing. Created by Matt Groening, (the mind behind the Simpsons) Futurama has received critical acclaim. The show has been nominated for 17 Annie Awards and 12 Emmy Awards, winning seven of the former and six of the latter. It has also been nominated four times for a Writers Guild of America Award, winning two for the episodes "Godfellas" and "The Prisoner of Benda", been nominated for aNebula Award and has received Environmental Media Awards for episodes "The Problem with Popplers" and "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular".Futurama-related merchandise has also been released, including a tie-in comic book series and video game, calendars, clothes and figurines. In 2013, TV Guide ranked Futurama as one of the top 60 Greatest TV Cartoons of All Time. This is one of my favorite shows of all time, and I 100% recommend it to anyone thinking about watching it.